On 04/05/2010 21:19, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Walter Bright wrote:
Don wrote:
Walter Bright wrote:
Don wrote:
There are several compiler bugs relating to array operations, and
almost all relate to this issue. I'd like to fix them, but I need
to know which way it is supposed to work.

The [] should be required. I worry that otherwise there will be
ambiguous cases that will cause trouble.

Glad we agree. An example is the C hack where if foo is a function,
then &foo as well as foo mean the address of the function. This little
ambiguity, originally meant as a convenience, has caused much grief.

In the same vein, probably it's time to bite the bullet and require
@property for parens-less function calls.


Yes please. That ambiguity has bitten me in the past, in a case where the return value of the function was a function/delegate.

Basicly if you change a variable(of delegate type) into a property, code that uses the variable as a function call will break. This is because the function call will only call the property getter, not the actual delegate.

Bruno Medeiros - Software Engineer

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