Tue, 25 May 2010 13:38:00 -0300, Leandro Lucarella wrote:

> Justin Johansson, el 25 de mayo a las 22:42 me escribiste:
>> retard wrote:
>> >The files inside the .zip won't run because one particular Mr. Bright
>> >doesn't set the +x flag on. It's not a fault of Linux if he is using
>> >retarded Windows version of the zip packager. It's easy to fix, he
>> >just doesn't care. The zip works just fine even on a 64-bit system if
>> >the 32-
>> >bit libraries have been installed.
>> Hey retard, while I enjoy reading a lot of the controversy that you
>> like to create on this NG, sorry, on this occasion I think you are
>> being somewhat unfair towards one particular person here.
>> My understanding is that .zip files are traditionally a DOS (originally
>> PKZIP) then come Windows thing then come Unix available.
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZIP_%28file_format%29
>> Being so, .zip files do not inherently/traditionally support recording
>> Unix file permissions such as +x within the archive.  If such
>> facilities exist today in Unix .zip utilities (and I am unaware of the
>> same) these would have to be extensions over and above what .zip files
>> are commonly understood to support given the DOS/PKZIP history of this
>> file format.
> Yes, it does:
> $ touch bin
> $ chmod a+x bin
> $ ls -l bin
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 luca luca 0 may 25 12:27 bin $ zip bin.zip bin
>   adding: bin (stored 0%)
> $ rm bin
> $ ls -l bin
> ls: cannot access bin: No such file or directory $ unzip bin.zip
> Archive:  bin.zip
>  extracting: bin
> $ ls -l bin
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 luca luca 0 may 25 12:27 bin
>> Recording of Unix file permissions in archives is traditionally
>> achieved with .tar files (and compressed variants) as I am sure you are
>> well aware.
>> When downloading archive from the net, I look for .zip files if wanting
>> to install on Windows and .tar or .tar.gz if wanting to install on
>> Unixes.  I imagine that most Unix-aware folks would do the same.
> That makes no sense. Even when history is interesting, now both zip and
> tar works just fine in both Unix and Windows, so retard is right, the
> zip being broken is entirely Walter's fault. And I think he knows it,
> that's why he said he wanted to give some love to the toolchain and
> distribution issues when D2 is finished.
> I don't think either attacking Walter gratuitously or defending him
> blindly is a good for D.

I wasn't attacking anyone, just pointing out the cause. Yes, it's because 
he uses a windows version of zip so it's his decision to make it harder 
for *nix users. Because of the non-free license he is the only person who 
can fix this -- I can't officially redistribute a fixed .zip package or 
any other repackaged dmd.

And Justin is also right, I wouldn't mind having a .tar.gz package with 
the executable flags correctly set (and without win32 executables). Just 
repacking the distribution on a *nix computer would be enough to fix it 
and would probably be the easiest solution if windows zip archivers don't 
support setting the flag.

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