I have just found it through Reddit, "Some Trucs and Machins about Google Go", 
by Narbel:

Few comments about the text.


In Go you can omit semicolons at the end of lines, so I presume it's not a 
terrible thing for C-like languages:

package main
import " fmt " // formatted I/O.
func main() {
    fmt.Printf ("Hello Hello\n")


In Go you can omit some () for example in "if":

if !*omitNewline {
    s += Newline

Generally I don't like to remove the parentheses of function calls (as done in 
Ruby), but in this case of the 'if' syntax I think removing them helps remove 
some useless visual noise from the code.


The multiple return values is the Go feature I'd like most for D3 (beside named 

func f(int i) (int, string) {
    return (i+1) ("supergenial")
x, y := f(3);


Page 15-26 shows that there is polymorphism in Go too. Go designers are trying 
to invent/adopt something simpler than C++-style templates.



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