I haven't read the document.

bearophile wrote:

> In Go you can omit semicolons at the end of lines

I never understood what people had against them. I've probably had trouble with a stray semicolon once or twice, but no big deal.

> In Go you can omit some () for example in "if":
> if !*omitNewline {
>     s += Newline
> }

Just like the curly braces should always be there, the parenthesis should always be there as well. :)

> Generally I don't like to remove the parentheses of function
> calls (as done in Ruby)

Same here. I am just starting to get used to omitting the parenthesis for properties. But that's it for me. :) For example I don't like array.sort.

> but in this case of the 'if' syntax I think removing them helps
> remove some useless visual noise from the code.

I don't see it as noise. Consistency is important for me.

> Go designers are trying to invent/adopt something simpler than
> C++-style templates

I will not be surprised when they "invent" the same syntax of a language Dat Dey've never hearD of... ;)


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