On 06/04/2010 06:38 AM, Lionello Lunesu wrote:
On 4-6-2010 1:17, Adam Ruppe wrote:
This strikes me as being a supremely elegant solution, not a hack.

struct Typedef( T, T init = T.init, Type type = Type.Sub, string _f =
__FILE__, int _l = __LINE__ ) { ...

Yes, that's a hack.

And it's great that we can do sub, super, independent and parallel, but
the question is: are they needed?

I thought I had found a compelling use case for typedef. Perhaps,
instead of throwing it out because it was ill defined, we should define
what's it supposed to solve and then make sure that's exactly what it
does, and nothing more.

The problem is, there's not only one good use. Walter and I identified at least a gew. The built-in typedef fails all examples below because it was very superficially designed.

1. Something that's just like another type yet "parallel" with it. This is good for abstractions that encode different units of measurement that aren't supposed to be mixed.

ParallelTypedef!double Miles;

Such a type should accept explicit initialization from a regular double:

auto dist = Miles(3.2);

However it shouldn't accept initialization from another parallel typedef:

ParallelTypedef!double Kms;
auto dist1 = Kms(4);
auto dist2 = Miles(dist1); // no

Arithmetic operations should only work within Miles but not mixing Miles with other types. Here's where things already get complicated - you do want to allow some operations between Miles and double (e.g. "*"), in some others you don't (e.g. "+"). Here's where a library facility would help:

ParallelTypdef!(double, "allow_arithmetic", "allow_mixed:*,/,%")

2. Opaque "handle" types that can be used with overloading. The base type of the typedef is just the storage strategy:

OpaqueTypedef!int FileHandle;

Such a typedef supports no arithmetic and no implicit conversions. You can explicitly initialize it from an int and you can cast it back to it using an explicit cast.

3. Proper subtype. Create a true subtype of a type that allows explicit initialization from the type and implicit conversion to the type.

SubtypeTypedef!Exception MyException;

4. Proper supertype. The base type implicitly converts to the introduced type, but not vice versa.

SupertypeTypedef!uint Bits;


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