On Mon, 07 Jun 2010 19:26:02 -0700, Ruslan Nikolaev wrote:

>> It only generates code for the types that are actually needed. If, for
>> instance, your progam never uses anything except UTF-8, then only one
>> version of the function will be made - the UTF-8 version.  If you don't
>> use
>> every char type, then it doesn't generate it for every char type - just
>> the
>> ones you choose to use.
> Not quite right. If we create system dynamic libraries or dynamic
> libraries commonly used, we will have to compile every instance unless
> we want to burden user with this. Otherwise, the same code will be
> duplicated in users program over and over again.

I think you really need to look more into what templates are and do.

There is also going to be very little performance gain by using the 
"system type" for strings. Considering that most of the work is not 
likely going be to the system commands you mentioned, but within D itself.

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