Bernard Helyer wrote:

This worked. Until I turned unittests on, and the assert I showed above tripped. At this point my language turned rather unpleasant and I wrote this:

bool contains(T)(const(T)[] l, T a)
     foreach(e; l) {
         if (a == e) {
            return true;
     return false;

And my problems went away. I assume what I experienced is a bug, but I'm not sure, so I thought I'd share my experience.

I want you to know that you are not the only one who makes such decisions. I have almost the same method, except it returns an index value. That is not the only one reason I wanted a std library with clear and documented interfaces. Generally I use std library to make writeln, thread wrapper around OS, and string conversions. I do not want to use std.algorithm.

Alex Makhotin,
the founder of BITPROX,

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