On Tue, 08 Jun 2010 23:23:39 +1200, Bernard Helyer wrote:

> [...]
> immutable TokenType[] someList = [TokenType.Foo, TokenType.Bar];
> ...
> while (find(someList, tokenStream.peek.type) != []) {
>     doStuff();
> }
> If I have unittests on, this assert is triggered:
> static assert(is(typeof(s) == Tuple!(string, float)));
> I didn't at first, so I got another error. So I looked closer at the
> documentation, and it turns out it needs an input range, and that needs
> popFront! Well, it can't popFront an immutable range, so I dropped
> immutable, and decided to let convention and TLS sort the rest out!

Actually, there is no reason this shouldn't be possible.  This works:

    import std.array:  popFront;

    immutable(int)[] tail(immutable(int)[] list)
        return list;

    void main()
        immutable a = [0, 1, 2, 3];
        assert (tail(a) == [1, 2, 3]);

The problem is that find()'s parameters are templated, so when you give 
it an immutable(int[]), it doesn't know it's safe to treat it as an 

find() should probably be improved to allow this.  I'm sure this won't be 
the last time someone tries to search an immutable array.


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