Hello Ben,

The only reason they were interested in my lexer generator is that
recursive descent lexing is pretty slow. So for more demanding
grammars, a DFA based lexer is better. The lexer library allows you to
create a lexer at runtime (which doesn't fit in so well with their
model of doing everything at compile time), or you can generate code
offline and then just add that to your project. This is why a compile
time DFA lexer would be really interesting to them.

The biggest problem (as far as I can
see as an observer) is the compile times.

I've never got a usable grammer for D to feed into it but I did get one (~200 productions) that at least compiled: it took 7 (or 17 minutes, I forget) and 700MB or ram To compile (P-III 550MHz, >700MB RAM)

This is where D could be
really interesting overall (Hartmut has certainly got his eye on it
and in fact I'm sure all the Boost people do).

For my part, I'd like to see an LR parser generator developed. I'd be
happy with one that creates the parser at runtime (assuming decent
performance), but if it can generate and compile code efficiently at
compile time, so much the better! :-) I really like the idea of being
able to switch the runtime/compile time behaviour.

Given that most LR parsers are table driven, all that would be needed for a compile time system would be that the table generator be evaluateable at compile time. The result could be stored in a constant. The only tricky bits then would be handling the data values on the stack and the part to tack in the action rules and that could just be a naming convention:

class MyActions
   resultType Action_statement_if(/+ args +/) { /+ code +/ }
   resultType Action_statement_ifThen(/+ args +/) { /+ code +/ }
   resultType Action_addExpression_plus(/+ args +/) { /+ code +/ }
   resultType Action_addExpression_minus(/+ args +/) { /+ code +/ }
   resultType Action_addExpression_chain(/+ args +/) { /+ code +/ }
   // ...

   mixin Parser!(
`statment : "if" "(" expression ")" statment / if | "if" "(" expression ")" statment "then" statment / ifThen | "{" statment* "}" / block
         | expression ";" /expression;
addExpression : .....

Parser!(string) would generate a function that just assumes the existence of functions of the given names.

When it comes to the code generation part for the DFA regex engine in
D, I'd be happy to talk to you further about the techniques you've
employed regarding emit. I'm still completely new to D, so it'll take
me a while! :-)



... <IXOYE><

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