On Tue, 22 Jun 2010, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

> Seems a weak reason. A programmer that's worried about infringing software 
> patents can't write anything more useful than "Hello World". I'm seriously 
> not convinced at all that it's even possible to write useful code that 
> doesn't technically infringe on some software patent. As a programmer, 
> either you accept the fact that what you do is inevitably going to trample 
> software patents, or you just simply don't be a programmer. That's all there 
> is.

The world's not nearly that black and white.  There's a huge difference in 
infringment in an app you write for yourself vs an app that's very public.

LLVM is somewhat closer to the latter end of the spectrum.

I agree that excess paranoia isn't warranted, but neither is willful 

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