On Thu, 24 Jun 2010 10:27:29 -0400, Ellery Newcomer <ellery-newco...@utulsa.edu> wrote:

On 06/21/2010 01:51 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
I've been trying to get a modified version of std.process to compile
(with Lars K's changes) for windows, and phobos finally compiled.

So I built a little test program, compiled it, and I get the following
error message:

object.Exception: circular dependency in module std.stdio.

Great. How did that happen? Being that I didn't write std.stdio, only
modified it slightly (and certainly didn't change any imports), I
haven't the foggiest where this problem is. Given that the runtime can
prove there is a circular dependency, and apparently knows the names of
the modules, how about showing me the cycle?


I do not look forward to tracking this one down...


Hey Steve, if you haven't found your cycle yet, could you send me the source code? My utility is a bit of a mess, but I think it's working now.

I did find it, and I will eventually incorporate my code which prints the cycle when it's found (it will be completely non-intrusive and not affect the startup performance unless a cycle is found). However, in trying to print the cycle, I've found a really disturbing bug that needs to be addressed first http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4384

Also, equally disappointing, I found that the reason the cycle was added was to workaround a bug in dmd (specifically http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=3979). Without the code that creates the cycle, phobos doesn't compile. With the code, any program linked with phobos fails. Lovely...

Great, I just gave myself more work when I was trying to just finish std.process!


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