On 07/30/2010 08:02 AM, Justin Johansson wrote:
To what degree do the author and advocates of the D(2) Programming
Language believe that it is axiomatically pure and to what degree
to the naysayers believe that it is conversely impure. Further,
does axiomatic purity in a PL really matter?

Thanks in advance for all opinions offered.

Justin Johansson

I wanted to answer this question after others have, but it seems the topic hasn't garnered a lot of attention.

Proving soundness for a language entails proving two theorems: progress and preservation. The theorems are usually proven against a collection of constructs called the operational semantics of the language, which express the operations defined by the language and their effects. There are two kinds of operational semantics - big step and small step. All soundness proofs I saw were on the small step operational semantics.

In a nutshell, proving progress is proving that any program in the analyzed language either terminates (usually yielding a value) or can take a step. In other words, no program can get in a "stuck" state where it can't take a step. Traditional examples of stuck states are division by zero, out of bounds access, or null pointer dereference.

Proving preservation is proving that after any step taken in evaluating a term in the analyzed language, the type of the term remains unchanged.

Both proofs are typically large by-case inductions. Because proofs for real languages would be very large, proofs focus on synthetic, reduced languages that are designed to minimize the number of constructs while still keeping the language's fundamental properties.

Most languages have not been proven sound. I know ML has been, and there is a reduced version of Java (Featherweight Java) that has been proven sound. I know that Java with generics has been shown unsound a long time ago (http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~sweirich/types/archive/1999-2003/msg00849.html). I haven't followed to see whether that issue has been fixed. My understanding is that as of this time Java with generics is still unsound, i.e. there are programs without casts that produce type errors at runtime.

On to D's soundness. I think full D is impossible to prove sound (due to casts, unsafe functions, and direct access to memory) without making certain assumptions. What I think is feasible and valuable is proving that certain features of D are sound. For example, I think it's not difficult to prove that immutable is really immutable. A much more involved proof would define SafeD as a subset of D and then prove its soundness.

I'm not an expert on formal proofs; it has been my research focus in my first years in grad school, and I haven't gotten to the point where I was conversant with formalisms enough to produce interesting proofs. I could understand one, and if I find the time and perhaps a collaborator I'd be glad to work on formally proving certain properties of D.


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