
I got an email from someone who got an interest in D following my talk at Google. He tried to install dmd on OSX, but got turned off (and rightly so) for the unnecessary difficulties of that process and the lack of documentation. Nicely of him he took the time to write me and detail his experience. Following that, Walter managed to fix the most egregious documentation errors.

Ideally we'd have a one-click OSX installer for dmd - a .dmg file. Is someone able and willing to own this project? I think improving the out-of-the-box experience is important and urgent.


P.S. My talk at Google went, I think, reasonably well. It could've gone a whole lot better; I neglected to make a couple of points. The talk was recorded and, I was told, the recording will be on YouTube some time next week. My mentions of Python and Haskell will probably get me mortified in certain circles.

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