retard wrote:
You also mentioned that upgrading Ubuntu has always failed. I've noticed that if you wait few weeks after the new release, the automatic upgrade is more successful. Also the problems are rather minor - start terminal and write 'sudo dpkg ..something..; sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude dist-upgrade'. My laptop has been running Ubuntu since 6.06 beta releases. I once tried Kubuntu, but went back to Ubuntu because of the stability issues (yea, a reformat even though removing kubuntu-desktop might have been enough).

My problems weren't minor, as in all my apps were completely hosed, including standard Ubuntu supplied stuff. It took me a long time googling to figure out how to get it to recognize my display again. The final straw was it completely trashed my install of VMware, wiping out all my virtual OS boxes. Bah. No more Ubuntu upgrades for me.

And before anyone asks, no, I was not running a tweaked Ubuntu system. It's all vanilla, right out of the box.

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