Thanks.  I'll use the puremagic issue tracker.  And by the way, if holds a proposed style change
I'll vote for it!  It feels much more modern and polished.  That said,
having two similar but different websites adds yet another layer of
confusion about where to get accurate information on the D language.
This has been one of my primary frustrations with trying to learn D

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 9:35 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu
<> wrote:
> On 8/29/10 23:35 PDT, Adam B wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Who maintains and where should
>> I report bad links to?
>> Thanks
>> - AdamB
> I maintain that site, but haven't gotten around to it in a while. Will do.
> In the meantime, bad link reports are welcome.
> Andrei

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