On 9/3/10 16:51 CDT, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
Well, it's just that they haven't got to it yet, or maybe they don't
feel it's as important as other issues. If something is 99% perfect and
you want to point out the 1%, I guess you're entitled to it. But if
everything else out there is only 90% perfect, then it's just pointless
griping. It's a phone, it calls just fine (best in-call interface by far
I've seen), it surfs the internet very well (best web browser experience
on a phone I've had by far), and has lots of attention to detail. The
frilly petty stuff isn't what makes the phone bad or good. My opinion is
that the obvious stuff *does* work well, it's the niche stuff that has
issues, and they are issues I'm willing to live with.

I totally agree. Before the iPhone, I'd always complained that cell phones were designed by villains who made them tedious to use on purpose. When criticizing it's always good to keep in mind what baseline we're talking about.


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