Bruno Medeiros <> wrote:

I don't know about the rest of people here in the NG, but actually I would hope bearophile would post much less often, especially when its him creating a new thread. And that's simply because he posts way too often, with lots of detail, and it takes a lot of time to read up on all that content, and to think about it with some depth. My default behavior with threads created by bearophile is just to skim or skip them over altogether. And it has nothing to do with quality of what bearophile says, because actually I think he often makes good points and brings good insights... but there are just *way* too many of them :P (not to mention the huge stream of links to articles on other sites that often accompany bearophile's posts)

Understandable, but bearophile's threads are often among the most
interesting ones I feel, and well worth staying up late for.

So yeah, bearophile, that's my plea. :-o Some of us like to sleep the recommended number of hours...

That I've given up on a long time ago.


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