Nick Sabalausky wrote:
"Walter Bright" <> wrote in message news:ia34up$
In the regexp code, I provided special regexes for email addresses and URLs. Those are hard to get right, so it's a large convenience to provide them.

Also, many literals can be fairly complex, and evaluating them can produce errors (such as integer overflow in the numeric literals). Having canned ones makes it much quicker for a user to get going.

I'm not sure what exectly you're suggesting in these two paragraphs? (Or just commenting?)

Does Goldie's lexer not convert numeric literals to integer values?

I'm guessing that a numeric literal is returned as a string. Is this string allocated on the heap? If so, it's a performance problem. Storage allocation costs figure large when trying to lex millions of lines.

Good point. I've just checked and there is allocation going on for each terminal lexed. But thanks to D's awesomeness, I can easily fix that to just use a slice of the original source string. I'll do that...

Are all tokens returned as strings?

Long files aren't a problem. That's why we have .di files! I worry more about clutter.

I really find long files to be a pain to read and edit. It would be nice if #5005 ( ) could get done. Then, modules with a lot of code could be broken down as appropriate for their maintainers without having to bother the users with the "module blah.all" workaround (which Goldie currently uses, but I realize isn't normal Phobos style). AIUI, .di files don't really solve that.

There is one other other minor related issue, though. One of my big principles for Goldie is flexibility. So in addition to the basic API that most people would use, I like to expose lower-level APIs for people who might want to sidestep certain parts of Goldie, or provide other less-typical but potentially useful things. But such things shouldn't be automatically imported for typical users, so that sort of stuff would be best left to a separate-but-related module.

If I may suggest, leave the low level stuff out of the api until demand for it justifies it. It's hard to predict just what will be useful, so I suggest conservatism rather than kitchen sink. It can always be added later, but it's really hard to remove.

Maybe it's just too late over here for me, but can you be more specific on "clutter"? Do you mean like API clutter?

That too, but I meant a clutter of files. Long files aren't a problem with D.

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