Yes, I don't want to run Walter into bankruptcy though. ;)

Honestly, I do think it would change the perception of the language in a 
beneficial way if one could say that the whole reference compiler 
infrastructure were _unquestionably_ open source.

On Nov 3, 2010, at 21:17, "Jérôme M. Berger" <> wrote:

> dsimcha wrote:
>> == Quote from Christopher Bergqvist ('s article
>>> Would it be possible to organize a "bounty" for having the backend released 
>>> u
>>> nder an OSI-approved license?
>> Vote++.  I understand that this has worked in the past, though I don't 
>> remember
>> off the top of my head what the project was.
>    The first one I know of is Blender. I believe there have been a
> couple of others since.
>        Jerome
> -- 
> Jabber:

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