On Wed, 10 Nov 2010 11:51:19 +0100
>>>>>> "Jacob" == Jacob Carlborg wrote:

Jacob> Of course that would be the preferred way, there should have
Jacob> been some kind of agreement for this (maybe there was but never
Jacob> fulfilled?) But you also have to look at it from Tangos point of
Jacob> view. Why would Tango drop support for anything that isn't DMD
Jacob> 32bit? Or should Tango keep half of it's runtime in it's own
Jacob> repository and for the other half use druntime.

It is very disappointing to see how many people in D community are
(still) behaving like a little children pointing fingers at each other
saying "You did that to me!!"

I am probably more happy just arriving here recently and I can
understand that some mistakes were done and (some) people may feel

However, I'm sure that D community is not the only place in the
universe where people might get hurt, but if you cannot go over it,
it's shame...

Forgive, stay and contribute to push D(2) forward.

Otherwise, if the above is not possible, stop whining and find a
better language/community to contribute to.

(Recently I did not agree with some steps done in one CMS community,
complained, became banned from the forums..andn ow I am enjoying a new
CMS community without burning too much brain cycles over the past experience.)
This constant crying over the spilled milk does not make sense for
adult people. The time won't be brought back. Let's learn the lesson
and move forward. Take it or leave it...



Gour  | Hlapicina, Croatia  | GPG key: CDBF17CA

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