Brad Roberts:

> Nagging is one way to accomplish change, but it's sure annoying.

Right. I was a little too much nervous, sometimes I need to control myself a 
little more :-)

> If you feel the feature is import, you know where to get the source.  Give it 
> a shot.

There is already a partial patch. And modifying just my own version of D is 
less than useless.

> Contribution of code is oh so much more valuable than a constant stream of 
> "you
> should change..."


> Repeatedly claiming that Walter ignores 'X' is another way to get a reaction,
> but it's also very annoying.  You're far from the only person to pull this 
> card
> out.  Do you _honestly_ believe he's that narrow minded or are you just trying
> to get enough of a rise out of such claims that he'll drop what he's doing and
> focus on your nag-of-the-day?

I don't fully understand you. He sometimes ignores 'X', but he's busy, so I 
don't expect him to know everything. This is why I have written this and other 
posts, to not let this X be ignored.

I am not asking to remove implicit joining of adjacent strings today, but I'd 
like this to be considered for future change.

> Sigh.. it get's old, fast.

I don't understamd this speech figure, sorry.


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