Rainer Deyke:

> Wait, what?  That's a static assert.  How can it both assert and compile
> with no errors?

You are right, what I meant is that if you remove the assert the program 
compiles with no errors (also note the number 5 that is different from 4 

enum string[5] data = ["green", "magenta", "blue" "red", "yellow"];
void main() {}

> In the latter case, 'f' receives an expression (which
> can be evaluated at compile time) as argument,

I meant the concatenation to be evaluated at compile-time for sure, so there is 
zero runtime overhead.

> so the string may not be
> zero terminated.  This is a critical difference if 'f' is a (wrapper
> around a) C function.

I hope Don's idea on this (thank you Don) will be enough.


Again, sorry for the tone of my original post of this thread.


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