Perhaps a module std.scripting could help quite a lot, too.


Also, something I just thought of this morning is to create something similar to std.variant for variables where every variable is the same type. Perl, for example, may store the same value multiple times in the same "structure" (I don't know the right term) depending on if it was used as a number, a string, or both. This can make language easier to use for scripting so that the user doesn't have to worry about data types.

For example (Using Foo as the name of the type for lack of a better name):

Foo x = 27;

x += 15; // X is now 42

Foo y = "X is " ~ x; // Here, x is now treated like a string.

The way I figure it, and I could be wrong, this could be stored as a struct with the various op* operations defined to perform the correct operation when called. Also, errors should be reported if, for example, someone tries to add the value "bar" to 13.

I think this would be a good first step to making D more scripting friendly, though less efficient in terms of memory and speed. And hopefully this would also work with all of the existing methods that we have, though there are probably a ton of issues related to that.


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