jfd wrote:

> == Quote from Andrei Alexandrescu (seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org)'s article

> >> eaturbrainz
> >> Back in the day I was writing a kernel, and having to
> >> rewrite queues for every single type of thing I wanted
> >> to queue, or use type-casts to enforce strong typing
> >> of queue elements at runtime, was annoying as fuck.
> > http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/e49ta/go_one_year_ago_today/

> eaturbrainz's problem is what convinced me of the true value of
> generics. 

At this point I'm mystified as to why language designers just keep on making 
this same mistake by leaving support for generic programming out of their 
statically typed languages. Java and C# had to graft generics onto their 
languages after the fact; why ignore that?


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