On Fri, 12 Nov 2010 18:26:53 -0500, div0 <d...@sourceforge.net> wrote:

On 12/11/2010 21:42, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
"uriel_follower"<wasteyourt...@reddit.com>  wrote in message

People who find generics worthwhile *don't use Go*. So of course the
remaining Go users aren't going to miss them.

Because nobody ever reused any code in languages without generics!

Sure they did. But they re-use a hell of a lot more *with* generics. (Or at
least generics that aren't as pointlessly gimped as the C# generics.)

Yeah, I've been forced to do a lot of C# for web apps recently and before that experience, I'd have said that I don't do much template code and that using a language without them won't be a big deal.

However even doing a relatively small web app, in C# made me really miss being able to knock out some quick template code to sort out the repetitive bits. C#s version of generics is laughably crap.

You might not use templates every day, but when you need/want them absolutely nothing else comes close.

I have to agree, the one time I tried to use generics in C# I was frustrated to no end (what I mean by use is write my own parameterized types with them). Generics are really only good for containers. Even if Go did add Generics, I think they are still missing the boat.


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