On 11/21/10 22:09 CST, Rainer Deyke wrote:
On 11/21/2010 17:31, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
char[] and wchar[] fail to provide some of the guarantees of all other
instances of T[].

What exactly are those guarantees?

   - When writing code that uses T[], it is often natural to mix
range-based access and index-based access, with the assumption that both
provide direct access to the same underlying data.  However, with char[]
this assumption is incorrect, as the underlying data is transformed when
viewing the array as a range.  This means that generic code that uses
T[] must take special consideration of char[] or it may unexpectedly
produce incorrect results when T = char.

This is exactly where your point falls apart. I'm actually glad you wrote it down explicitly because this makes it simple to achieve the goal of putting you in the position to both understand where your point is wrong, and also the goal of putting you in the position for an "aha" moment or at least a "all right, grumble grumble" moment.

What you're saying is that you write generic code that requires T[], and then the code itself uses front, popFront, and other range-specific functions in conjunction with it.

But this is exactly the problem. If you want to use range primitives, you submit to the requirement of ranges. So you write the generic function to ask for ranges (with e.g. isForwardRange etc). Otherwise your code is incorrect.

If you want to work with arrays, use a[0] to access the front, a[$ - 1] to access the back, and a = a[1 .. $] to chop off the first element of the array. It is not AT ALL natural to mix those with a.front, a.back etc. It is not - why? because std.range defines them with specific meanings for arrays in general and for arrays of characters in particular. If you submit to use std.range's abstraction, you submit to using it the way it is defined.

So: if you want to use char[] as an array with the built-in array interface, no problem. If you want to use char[] as a range with the range interface as defined by std.range, again no problem. But asking for one and then surreptitiously using the other is simply incorrect code. You can't use std.range while at the same time complaining you can't be bothered to read its docs.

   - char[] sets a precedent of Container!char providing a dchar range
interface.  Other containers must choose to either follow this precedent
or to avoid it.  Either choice may require extra work when implementing
the container.  Either choice can lead to surprising behavior for the
user of the container.

Encoded strings bring with them the necessity of encoding and decoding. That is an expected feature. It is up to your container whether it wants to do so or it needs to pass it to the client.

I challenge you to define an alternative built-in string that fares better than string & Comp. Before long you'll be overwhelmed by the various necessities imposed by your constraints.


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