On 11/24/2010 09:13 AM, Bruno Medeiros wrote:

I don't know about Ellery, as you can see in that thread he/she(?)
mentioned interest in working on that, but I don't know anything more.

Normally I go by 'it'.

Been pretty busy this semester, so I haven't been doing much.

But the bottom line is, yes I have working antlr grammars for D1 and D2 if you don't mind
1) they're slow
2) they're tied to a hacked-out version of the netbeans fork of ANTLR2
3) they're tied to some custom java code
4) I haven't been keeping the tree grammars so up to date

I've not released them for those reasons. Semester will be over in about 3 weeks, though, and I'll have time then.

As for me, I didn't work on that, nor did I plan to.
Nor am I planning to anytime soon, DDT can handle things with the
current parser for now (bugs can be fixed on the current code, perhaps
some limitations can be resolved by merging some more code from DMD), so
I'll likely work on other more important features before I go there. For
example, I'll likely work on debugger integration, and code completion
improvements before I would go on writing a new parser from scratch.
Plus, it gives more time to hopefully someone else work on it. :P

Unlike Walter, I can't write a D parser in a weekend... :) Not even on a
week, especially since I never done anything of this kind before.

It took me like 3 months to read his parser to figure out what was going on.

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