On Wed, 15 Dec 2010 12:27:48 +0200, Andrej Mitrovic <andrej.mitrov...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 12/14/10, Vladimir Panteleev <vladi...@thecybershadow.net> wrote:

if (resource == "/getfoo")
        struct FooResult { int n; string s; }
        return toJSON(FooResult(42, "bar")); // {"n":42,"s":"bar"}

Funny thing about that commented out code. I've tried returning
something like that once from a function:

return { int n = 42; string s = "bar"; }

So basically a struct that has it's members default-initialized with
some values. Unfortunately D thought I was returning a delegate
instead, so I can't use this syntax.

The commented-out "code" is the resulting JSON :)

Best regards,
 Vladimir                            mailto:vladi...@thecybershadow.net

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