On Wed, 15 Dec 2010 02:53:40 -0500, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

> "lurker" <l...@lurk.net> wrote in message
> news:ie8rc3$27l...@digitalmars.com...
>> Nick Sabalausky Wrote:
>>> "piotrek" <star...@tlen.pl> wrote in message
>>> news:ie8fu9$ej...@digitalmars.com...
>>> > On Mon, 13 Dec 2010 09:49:50 -0600, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>>> >> By the way, I couldn't stop cringing at the distasteful,
>>> >> male-centric sexual jokes that the talk is peppered with. Wonder if
>>> >> there was any woman in the audience, and how she might have felt.
>>> >> And this is not a ghetto rant - it's the keynote of a major Ruby
>>> >> conference! (And I'm definitely not a prude.) Am I alone in
>>> >> thinking that this is not what our metier should evolve into?
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> Andrei
>>> >
>>> > You're definitely not. No matter how strong pressure is, I stand and
>>> > fight against common acceptance for female humiliation. It's so sad
>>> > to me how many think they're real men while treating women as a
>>> > things they can freely abuse.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> Didja hear the one about the blonde who couldn't find her pencil?
>> I have a bad sense of humor, but what is this if I'm trolling?
> Heh. It's me being an ass :)
> But seriously, I'm not flaming anyone here, and really taking a
> round-about way to point out that there's too much "inventing things to
> be offended about" going on in the world. I still haven't looked at the
> video, so maybe some of the things really were worse than the example
> Andrei mentioned or the joke I referenced above, but *if* these things
> are the sorts of things that piotrek and Andrei find "offensive to
> women", then I'd have to call a big "bullshit, this is just inventing
> blatant assumptions and then getting offended by them".

Firstly I apologize Andrei if I put him in bad light after hijacking his 
and then using it to add some personal opinion. Secondly I was referring to 
bigger picture of society and not only this video. And still I don't agree to 
"tolerate"* behavior which is based on so called "freedom". Because all you do 
has its consequence and interacts with "freedom" of other people and vice 
versa. Of course appropriate action should be used not exaggerated ones. 
And I had a peaceful intercommunication on my mind when speaking about
fighting ;) I can say as a Christian that respect for dignity goes along with 
But your choice. And in the world the weak ones are abused all the time. 
I couldn't live pretending I don't see it. So one way is to give my opinion. 
don't giving a shit.


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