"Michael Stover" <michael.r.sto...@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> If I provide a spreadsheet program via javascript, why should it have to
> work in Lynx? It's not a web page.  I'm providing absolutely ZERO content.
> It is only behavior, just like Excel is only behavior.  If I provide the
> same functionality, but only if you use Chrome or Firefox, why is that so
> horrible?

First of all, I see no good reason to choose JS to make a spreadsheet app in 
the first place. The browser (not to mention the JS language itself) is 
providing absolutely ZERO benefit, and the only thing it can do is get in 
the way.

Secondly, I've never said that I saw any problem with requiring something 
that actually *is* necessary. Wanna make a web-based photo-editing app? Is 
think it's a stupid and utterly pointless thing to bother doing, but if 
you're going to do it, then sure, by all means exclude Lynx and require JS 
or Flash or something. But if you're going to make, say, a mortgage rate 
calculator, excluding Lynx or requiring JS makes absolutely no sense 

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