Andreas Mayer:

> To see what performance advantage D would give me over using a scripting 
> language, I made a small benchmark. It consists of this code:

I have done (and I am doing) many benchmarks with D, and I too have seen 
similar results. I have discussed this topic two times in past, this was one 

For Floating-point-heavy code Lua-JIT is often faster than D compiled with DMD. 
I have found that on the SciMark2 benchmark too Lua-JIT is faster than D code 
compiled with DMD. On the other hand if I use LDC I am often able to beat 
LuaJIT 2.0.0-beta3 (we are now at beta5) (if the D code doesn't ask for too 
much inlining).

The Lua-JIT is written by a very smart person, maybe a kind of genius that has 
recently given ideas to designers of V8 and Firefox JS Engine. The LuaJIT uses 
very well SSE registers and being a JIT it has more runtime information about 
the code, so it is able to optimize it better. It unrolls dynamically, inlines 
dynamic things, etc. DMD doesn't perform enough optimizations. Keep in mind 
that the main purpose of DMD is now to finish implementing D (and sometimes to 
find what to implement! Because there are some unfinished corners in D design). 
Performance tuning is mostly for later.


Walter Bright:

>If it's not clear, I'd like to emphasize that these are compiler issues, not D 
>language issues.<

Surely Lua looks like a far worse language regarding optimization 
opportunities. But people around here (like you) must start to realize that JIT 
compilation is not what it used to be. Today the JIT compilation done by the 
JavaVM is able to perform de-virtualization, dynamic loop unrolling, inlining 
across "compilation units", and some other optimizations that despite are "not 
language issues" are not done or not done enough by static compilers like LDC, 
GCC, DMD. The result is that SciMark2 benchmark is about as fast in Java and C, 
and for some sub-benchmarks it is faster :-)


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