On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 3:03 AM, Don <nos...@nospam.com> wrote:

> bearophile wrote:
>> Je'rome M. Berger:
>>  I have almost never used inline assembler even in languages that support
>>> it. Of course, this is only a sub-point of your point 6: using inline
>>> assembly in a language as slow as Python would be completely pointless.<
>> For scientific computing this is better than D inline asm:
>> http://www.corepy.org/
> Based on a quick look at the website, that looks _extremely_ unlikely to be
> true.
> It would have been fair enough to say "this is an option for Python
> programmers", and provide the link.
> I think we're all getting rather tired of these ridiculous, sweeping
> statements, made without presenting any evidence whatsoever.

Well, at the University of Texas at Austin, they only use Perl/Python for
the cloud computing genetic sequencing machine things.  (I'm not in college
yet, but a teacher at my school asked if I could help him do some genetic
analysis using these machines with my Python skills, and that's how I
know).  So inherently, I believe scientific programming is one of the places
where dynamic languages such as Python tend to excel in popularity.
Speed is not too much of an issue, considering the optimizations available
for Python.

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