Wed, 19 Jan 2011 03:11:07 -0800, Walter Bright wrote:

> KennyTM~ wrote:
>> You should use LF ending, not CRLF ending.
> I never thought of that. Fixing that, it gets further, but still
> innumerable errors:

> [snip]

I already told you in message digitalmars.d:126586

"..your Ubuntu version isn't supported anymore. They might have already 
removed the package repositories for unsupported versions and that might 
indeed lead to problems"

It's exactly like using Windows 3.11 now. Totally unsupported. I'd so sad 
the leader of the D language is so incompetent with open source 
technologies. If you really want to stick with outdated operating system 
versions, why don't you install all the "stable" and "important" services 
on some headless virtual server (on another machine) and update the 
latest Ubuntu on your main desktop. It's hard to believe making backups 
of your /home/walter is so hard. That ought to be everything you need to 
do with desktop Ubuntu..

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