On Sun, 30 Jan 2011 15:29:54 +0300, Michel Fortin <michel.for...@michelf.com> wrote:

On 2011-01-30 03:05:59 -0500, Gary Whatmore <n...@spam.sp> said:

D's main focus currently is 32-bit x86 servers and desktop applications. This is where the big market has traditionally been. Not everyone has 64-bit hardware and I have my doubts about the size of the smartphone markets.

I think the important point here is ARM, not smartphones.

ARM processors will soon start to enter other markets, mainly the server and laptop markets, both very sensitive to power consumption issues. Dual-core ARM processors aren't targeted at smartphones, and many servers aren't that much concerned with binary compatibility with older software so it's easy to switch them.

Without an ARM backend, we'll be left in the cold eventually. The only question in my mind is when.

I can't help myself but mention Tablet PCs that are gaining momentum. Many of the newest tablets are going to use dual core ARMs (as announced in a recent Consumer Electronic Show 2011). Also Sony Computer Entertainment just announced their next handheld console (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_Portable_successor). It's based on quad core ARM Cortex-A9.

That said I really hope D gets an ARM backend. While it isn't likely for a DMD to happen, it could for LDC.

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