""Jérôme M. Berger"" <jeber...@free.fr> wrote in message 
> Plus, very often there are two categories of "designers" working on
> these sites. The first do not know anything about the web and create
> a mockup of the site using Photoshop, then the others (who do know
> at least some html+css, or at least Dreamweaver) are required by
> their managers (who know even less than the first category) to match
> the Photoshop design exactly on the manager's computer.

A related pet peeve: This situation wouldn't even happen if the world wasn't 
so full of "yes"-men. (And note that outside of fiction, most "yes"-men 
don't realize they're "yes"-men). In an ideal world (ie, fat chance of this 
happening - I know) the people who actually do know better would explain to 
the manager that that method is bullshit (not in such words, of course). 
This would force the manager to do one of three things: Either pull his head 
out of his ass, or shoot his worker turnover sky-high by firing everyone 
that comes along (and thus drive the company into the ground), or drive the 
company into the ground directly by only ever hiring people who really don't 
know what they're doing (and then get a government bailout, etc, etc...)

But everyone just looks out for "#1", even if that means holding on to a job 
that's a piss-poor one to begin with. So the ignorant/incompetent managers 
remain ignorant, incompetent and employed, and all their workers and 
customers (and the rest of the damn world, for that matter) have to suffer 
for it.

> The easiest
> (or even only) way to do that is to set all dimensions in pixels.
> And the result is something that ranges from bad to horrible for
> most other people.

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