The case is different --I mean the comparison does not hold IIUC. Virtual methods are /intended/ to be overriden, this is precisely part of their semantics. While the whole point of const-the-D-way is to ensure actual constness as marked in a given function's signature, whatever this function itself calls. The contract is such that the reader does not even need to watch further. Again, IIUC (please correct if I'm wrong on this).


Well you are thinking with the current usage.

const int i;
const A a;

Think about these two lines. If this is a C++ code, you can't say much about their constness. But if this is a D code, you can say many things about each line and go even further and say their constness is exactly same! What i am getting at is that if we have this affinity between types and constness always a first class attribute why don't we go even further and drop the signatures all together and make constness accessible to every single D code written. Walter and Steve are talking about the contract feature we give to const signature, i am not saying it is wrong or it has lesser importance than they claim. I am just questioning if this what CS should be.

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