On Tue, 08 Feb 2011 19:38:52 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu <seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> wrote:

On 2/8/11 3:50 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On Tue, 08 Feb 2011 15:36:14 -0500, Nick Sabalausky <a@a.a> wrote:

"Steven Schveighoffer" <schvei...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
On Tue, 08 Feb 2011 06:52:30 -0500, Jonathan M Davis

*Sigh* I was hoping for a clearer vote than this.

Sorry for the lack of voting/attention, I've had barely any time to work
with D lately, and I haven't even looked at your lib.


P.S. I'm f***ing sick of snow...

I got sick of snow ten years ago. Makes me wonder why I'm still in

I'd wonder why you were in Cleveland for a number of reasons ;)

This is the worst winter I've ever experienced. My whole body aches from
battling ice dams for weeks. There's few things worse than having to put
on snow clothes still wet (and smelly) from yesterday to go up on a
ladder in the rain and whack ice you cleared just yesterday because
water is again seeping in your house...


I'm completely weird I guess. I love snow and winter. I'm just back from a skiing day non-stop 11am to 4pm on the most difficult slopes (including two "extreme terrain" runs starting at 3963 meters). My water and food froze in my pockets. At times I could hardly feel my face. I still breathe twice the normal rate. Every cubic inch of my body aches. And... I'm loving every minute of it.

*playing* in the snow is way different than *battling* the snow :) In my area, we normally get a snow storm, usually about 2-10 inches, then some time later (usually about a week) it melts. This winter, the temperature has not gone above freezing more than about 3-4 times, *plus* we are getting new snow about 2 times a week (this week is a break thank god!). My snowblower can't manage to throw snow over my snow banks anymore in one part of my driveway, so I have to snowblow it into another part of the driveway, then do it again. I've had to take off 6 days of vacation this year *just* to deal with snow/ice dams. It's been too cold to play in it with my 2-year-old. I love playing in the snow and skiing and sliding, but I'm ready for summer...


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