On Sat, 12 Feb 2011 13:20:36 +0200, spir <denis.s...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 02/12/2011 12:15 PM, Jim wrote:
Sorry about that, but I think that is a closely related discussion. @inline is certainly a verb -- even imperative mood, so not just asking for information.
Why do you need information if you can't affect the outcome?

I want to know it. First, because it's valuable information in and by itself. Second, because it teaches me something. Third, because I can then possibly decide to not factor out (may be wrong, but still, I can measure...).
Glasnost for compilers! ;-)


This is to all of you. Inlining is not a toy, knowing if a function is inlined or not has no practical purposes in the sense you are asking, or any other for that matter. This is a low level optimization, again it is not a toy to play with, and D being a system language (where function call is cheap) makes this even more meaningless.

Now i am repeating this the third time seem people just ignore it:

. Inlining problem in D has never been about determining a function is inlined or not. Walter 100% right on this, go check the freaking asm output. . The problem is that we have "no" say in the decision process, and this is a serious matter in some high performance areas, serious that goes to decide if they will use a language or not.

So please lets focus on the problem and not waste the time on irrelevant things/changes/decisions.

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