
So I've been working a bit on the etc.curl module. Currently most of the HTTP functionality is done and some very simple Ftp.

I would very much like to know if this has a chance of getting in phobos if I finish it with the current design. If not then it will be for my own project only and doesn't need as much documentation or all the features.


I do know that the error handling is currently not good enough... WIP.


On 11/03/11 16.20, Jonas Drewsen wrote:

So I've spent some time trying to wrap libcurl for D. There is a lot of
things that you can do with libcurl which I did not know so I'm starting
out small.

For now I've created all the declarations for the latest public curl C
api. I have put that in the etc.c.curl module.

On top of that I've created a more D like api as seen below. This is
located in the 'etc.curl' module. What you can see below currently works
but before proceeding further down this road I would like to get your
comments on it.

// Simple HTTP GET with sane defaults
// provides the .content, .headers and .status
writeln( Http.get("http://www.google.com";).content );

// GET with custom data receiver delegates
Http http = new Http("http://www.google.dk";);
http.setReceiveHeaderCallback( (string key, string value) {
writeln(key ~ ":" ~ value);
} );
http.setReceiveCallback( (string data) { /* drop */ } );

// POST with some timouts
http.setReceiveCallback( (string data) { writeln(data); } );
http.setPostData("The quick....");

// PUT with data sender delegate
string msg = "Hello world";
size_t len = msg.length; /* using chuncked transfer if omitted */

http.setSendCallback( delegate size_t(char[] data) {
if (msg.empty) return 0;
auto l = msg.length;
data[0..l] = msg[0..$];
msg.length = 0;
return l;
HttpMethod.put, len );


// FTP

// ... authenication, cookies, interface select, progress callback
// etc. is also implemented this way.


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