On 03/15/2011 12:54 PM, Daniel Gibson wrote:

> Furthermore I find C++'s class handling quite unfortunate.. only having
> polymorphism when explicitly using pointers really sucks.
> e.g. you have a base class Foo and a class Bar derived from Foo.. now you wanna
> put Objects of type Foo and Bar in a list.. what do you do?
> list<Foo>? won't work for Bar Objects. So you gotta use list<Foo*>.
> Using list<Foo*> really sucks, especially with iterators.. you end up using
> something like
>    list<Foo*>::iterator it = ... ;
>    (*it)->x = 3;
>    int bla = (*it)->myFun(42);
> Now *that* is ugly.

I am changing the topic here a little but C++ has more problems as witnessed in the above code. Normally the objects in the list are created by 'new', and not exception-safe for that reason to be left naked in a list.

A safe idiom is to use a copyable smart pointer, e.g.

    list<shared_ptr<Foo> >::iterator it = ...;

D's classes' being reference types and its garbage collector help a lot in that regard:

    list!Foo myList;  // can hold Bars too

But that's a different topic... :)


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