Steven Schveighoffer:

> All the other points, I disagree with bearophile, enforce is not assert
> and should not be nothrow.

I have never said this. I am aware that enforce can't be nothrow, and I agree 
that in some situations you want to raise an exception instead of using 
asserts. One of the things I have said (maybe wrongly) are:

>You have to add that such "if (!condition) throw new Exception(args)" idiom is 
>common in Phobos because Phobos is present only in release mode. If the zip 
>distribution of DMD contains two Phobos and dmd becomes able to use the right 
>one according to the compilation switches, then I think that "if (!condition) 
>throw new Exception(args)" will become more rare, and the enforce() too will 
>be less commonly needed.<


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