Rainer Schuetze Wrote:
> I've set up a comparison with some notes here:
> http://www.dsource.org/projects/visuald/wiki/GrammarComparison

Very nice comparison style.
What would be an appropriate way to discuss grammar changes?
I think many things should be simplified/clarified.

For example, isn't AutoDeclaration already covered by Decl -> StorageClasses 
Decl and so on?
Also there are 3 different instances of mixin: MixinExpression, MixinStatement 
and MixinDeclaration. Even though they all come down to the same thing.
Modifiers like shared are repeated, e.g. in BasicType, Attribute, 
TypeSpecialization. Also your proposed TypeWithModifier somewhat replicates 
parts of BasicType (just without the parentheses) 

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