On 2011-03-31 02:32, Trass3r wrote:
> Rainer Schuetze Wrote:
> > How can I contribute patches? I guess this would be with pull
> > requests, so I'll need a github repository, too? The discussion page for
> > pull requests looks like a nice feature...
> Yep, you fork the original repo and apply your changes. Once you think
> you're somewhat done you can open a pull request. I think you can even
> comment on single lines in commits.
> The advantage of this approach is that your changes don't appear as a
> single huge diff but as atomic changesets (as long as the author groups
> changes that belong together in single commits)

I would point out though that pull requests are done by branch, so if you have 
commits that you don't want to be grouped with others or put in the pull 
request, then they need to be on a separate branch. If you go and make several 
commits and then only want some of them pulled, that doesn't work so well. 
It's technically feasible via git, but it's more of a pain, and it's not how 
github itself manages the process. So, typically, you'd make a set of changes 
on a branch created for those changes - be they one commit or several. Then 
you do a pull request on that branch. Unrelated changes would be on other 

- Jonathan M Davis

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