Trass3r wrote:
Am 02.04.2011, 10:11 Uhr, schrieb Rainer Schuetze <>:
Do we want to allow spaces and comments between these tokens?
- extern ( C ++ )
Well we would have to introduce C++ as a keyword just for that purpose.
Not worth it.

It does not have to be a keyword, but the parser can just verify there are no spaces, if a lexer token keeps that information. But I agree, not worth changing anything.

- @ Property (safe, trusted, disable, etc)
safe, trusted etc. aren't keywords.
dmd handles it as ('@' identifier) and that's exactly what the grammar should be to support user-defined attributes in the future.

Although it is not the current behaviour, I think it would be cleaner if the lexer would generate a token "Property" that always starts with '@' and continues as an identifer. This would replace the current token "@", simply moving the rule "Property: '@' Identifier" from the parser into the lexer.

This still includes any user-defined attributes for future extensions.

I hope, we agree on !in and !is, as the current lexing introduces the shown parsing problems. But !is needs to be added to the IsExpression rules then.

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