On Mon, 28 Mar 2011 09:02:45 -0700, Luca Boasso wrote:

> A complete D grammar is one of the objectives of my GSOC 2011 ANTLR
> proposal, if I got accepted you will have one :)

Luca -

You might want to be aware that it appears that the dmd2 front end uses 
Pratt parsing rather than being based on EBNF.  That being the case, it 
might be much easier (not to say more useful) to specify the language 
semantics in a more compatible format than EBNF.  If you've had sophmore 
level CS theory, then Pratt's original paper is very readable, and highly 



;;;         Pratt, Vaughan R., ``Top Down Operator Precedence,''
;;;         ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages
;;;         Boston, MA; October, 1973.

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