Am 05.04.2011 00:35, schrieb Alvaro:
El 04/04/2011 23:51, Matthias Pleh escribió:
Am 04.04.2011 23:34, schrieb Daniel Gibson:
Am 04.04.2011 23:27, schrieb Matthias Pleh:
was: [GSoC] Container proposals by Ishan and Christian


This were the requirments for the GUI library:
- Corss-platform (Win/linux)

Don't forget Mac OSX.
I just listed the requirments in our company, but you're rigth. We must
support at least the three main platforms Win/linux/OSX

Also note that on Linux there are two widely used toolkits, GTK and Qt,
and that QT is better in emulating GTK than the other way round (you can
let GTK use the current QT theme or something, but it'll still use the
GTK filepicker etc. QT's GTK emulation is better and uses the real GTK
that's true


I don't know if wee need yet another GUI library.
I have not said, that it must be create a completly new library.
We just have to find out, what are the requirments for the D community,
and how can we achieve that.
Whe have mainly 4 options:
- support an existing project and help to meet our requirments
- fork an existing project and advance it to our requirments
- port a library from another language and advance it, to meet better
the D coding style
- create a new library (which also can be based on a older abandoned

Are you sure Qt and DWT aren't good enough?
As I mentioned in my post, I couldn't assure the others. Not every
decision-maker base his decisions on pure technical arguments, sometimes
it's just his gut feeling or the cleaning lady's advice, who knows :)


Why do you say "it must be a completely new library"? Why don't the
existing ones fit?
No, see above, supporting an existing library would also fit.

I last week tried gtkD, both on Linux and Windows. Quite nice, only I
don't really like how it looks on Windows, that it can't use the native
controls. And then there is QtD and wxD (from wxWidgets) both using
native controls.

Anyway I think I know what you mean by "the D coding style". All those
are direct ports/bindings that retain their original style and don't
really take advantage of D's facilities.
Yes exactly. The argument by others was, that a community which is not able to create their own library, coded in their own style, will not survive.

For instance, in gtkD (QtD probably too, haven't looked at it), classes
have classic functions for accessing and modifying "properties", like
window.setTitle("Find"); w=window.getWidth(). But D provides real
@properties. That could be improved to window.title = "Find";
w=window.width; Etc, etc.

The use of properties, delegates for event handlers, D's Unicode
strings, etc. could certainly be improved in libs like those. But anyway
they have done a great job in providing D with working GUI APIs.

Don't get me wrong. GtkD perfectly meets my personal taste and I would have used this library for our project. But others are more cautios and have really strong requirments for such a projects (Note, this is one big project with much more than 500.000 LOC), so we _already_ have choosen C++/Qt !!

I think other companies will have similar decision. So, I think, to help D to get more accepted in the buisiness world, one requirement would be a good GUI library.


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