On Apr 12, 11 02:29, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
On 4/11/11, KennyTM~<kenn...@gmail.com>  wrote:
The idea, IIUC, is to avoid documenting that extra enum type. So, for

      TRange topNCopy(alias less = "a<  b", SRange, TRange)
                     (SRange source, TRange target,
                      YesOrNo!"SortOutput" sorted = false);

and then we can call it as

      topNCopy([1,3,5,2,4], result, SortOutput.yes);

But how do you make `SortOutput` known at the calling site?

Right. Andrei's template can't do it. My approach above is simply declare an undocumented enum, and use YesOrNo as a tag to statically ensure that enum can take 'no' and 'yes'.

I feel this using type just for documentation is bad.

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