On 04/17/2011 02:29 PM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Adam, could you please put together a pull request on github?

I've gotta figure out how that works...

I'd also appreciate if you sent my way a simple script that scrapes
the HTML for all sample code so we can work on making them work.

Heh, what a coincidence. I just wrote a quick one now:


It's cgi so you can see the output here, but it's trivial to
change, very short program. Fetch my dom library here

Example output:

It puts in some generic imports, an empty main, and wraps
everything in unittest {}.

Looking good. Hmmm, I think we should just compile code as it is, no hidden artifacts. Then that adds some syntactic noise. Not sure what the best balance is.


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