Am 05.05.2011 22:15, schrieb Ulrik Mikaelsson:
> I too think it's awesome.
> Just some quick thoughts;
>  * Could some kind of benchmarking be integrated to track performance
> aspects, especially find regressions? Perhaps a bit high on the
> utility/work-scale?
>  * Is the script available for running offline, on some local machine,
> I.E. verifying different distro:s, etc?
>  * 1280x1024 is too small for seeing the results. Could the view
> perhaps be made slightly more compact? (Especially since OSX64 and
> Win64 might be interesting targets in the near future?)
>  * What is "Linux 32/64" vs. "64/32"?

I *guess* Linux 32/64 means "32bit dmd generating 64bit binaries" and
"Linux 64/32" means "64bit dmd generating 32bit binaries".
Also note "Linux 64/64" ("64bit dmd generating 64bit binaries).

Seems like we get a native 64bit compiler for Linux. Awesome!

(But note that this is just my interpretation, maybe I'm wrong).

> In any case, great stuff.

I agree :)

> 2011/5/5 Walter Bright <>:
>> In case not everyone knows about this, Brad Roberts conceived, implemented,
>> set up and maintains an automated tester that watches github for checkins,
>> and when there's something new it does a complete build of dmd and phobos,
>> then runs the test suite on it, and posts the results:
>> I think it's awesome.

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