> What about:
void removeAt(T)(ref T[] arr, size_t index)
   foreach (i, ref item; arr[1 .. index+1])
        item = arr[i - 1];
    arr = arr[1 .. $]; //note how no valid data is beyond the end of
the array

Clever, but if you do this with a big enough number of items, you'll
exhaust all memory. Be careful. :P

> For the OP, you may want to consider using ArrayList from
dcollections, which supports removing an individual or range of
elements, or using foreach to purge the list.  Note that this class
does call assumeSafeAppend on its data storage since it can make
more assumptions.

Ah, seems to be what I need.

I guess I was also trying to argue this should really be part of the
language too, though (not just Phobos), given that concatenation and
even hashtables are also part of the language. It seems to be
missing badly. :\

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